What is grief coaching?  Strange to think that a person might need a coach to help them grieve.

Grieving is an essential part of who we are, we grieve. If we have loved, we grieve.  If we have fought hard for a job and lost it, we grieve.  If we have held something special in meaning and we lose it, we grieve.  Grieving is as natural and as involuntary as breathing, however there is something negatively attached to grieving, shame.  We are shamed if we, according to others, have grieved too long or not in the way another would grieve.  We are shamed if our support system thinks something or someone does not deserve to be grieved, such as a divorce or anything, anyone we needed to let go of.  Complicated grief takes place when we are not given the space to grieve as we choose.  To be guided down this path is as essential to our well-being as water is to our survival.  When we are not given the time and space to grieve, disease or dis-ease occurs in the body.   

Grief in some cultures is believed to be a given right and honors the grieving without time limit or “how to” restraints.  Stages of grief, while they do exist, is not as simplistic as one might believe.  You can flow from one stage to the other and back again at any given moment. You have a right to your grief, it is part of the human condition and if we could grieve without judgement, perhaps the stress that is caused by grief can become less and less and healing can truly take place.  

Naomi has experienced deep and complicated grief and with that has researched, studied the quintessential value in grieving.  Grieving is an individual process and no two people grieve alike. Naomi gives a safe environment and educated ear to the grieving person without judgement.  To be “coached” or guided through this most difficult process helps an individual come back into their body, express and begin to feel joy again.  

RE-MEMBER-ING:  This is a process where we find out exactly how the loved one we lost can still be a part of who we are today, become a member of our lives, whether through talking about them, feeling their presence or how we choose to include them as part of our every day lives. 

Naomi is not a grief therapist but has the skills to acknowledge when an individual would need to seek out a qualified therapist to help aid in the grief process.  If you have experienced a loss, whether it be to death, divorce, loss of a job or loss of any kind, do not hesitate to reach out to see exactly how Naomi can be of service.  


Naomi Wolf is a certified grief massage therapist.  What is grief massage?  A gentle form of massage utilizing different modalities to open channels (much like acupuncture) where stored grief might live in the body.  Specialties such as reflexology, Reiki, energy healing and gentle massage to bring comfort and compassion to the grieving.  If you find yourself “stuck” in grief or even fear of an impending loss, this particular therapy can be incredibly helpful.  

If you have lost someone to suicide, drug overdose or living in fear of that kind of loss, Naomi

can help guide you on this path that seems never-ending.  These particular losses, are always complicated and can be an asset to healing along with utilizing a grief therapist and group support.  

“ We are all walking each other home” 

I, Naomi, have heard that many times.  I, as a griever, have heard “time will heal, at least they are in a good place now, without any more pain”.   Though people mean well when they say these things to the grieving, it does not necessarily help.  What does help?  To go into the grief, the pain in a safe environment again without judgement or rushing the process and to feel, deeply, grieve deeply and eventually light shines, hope returns and soon even joy comes back with genuine laughter as the heart begins to heal. 

You are not alone and I welcome you to my practice where we can find a way together to mend the broken heart. 


Massage in and of itself helps release chemicals in the brain, very similar to that of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication, without the side effects.  The only side effect from massage is relaxation and peace.  While there is a place for medication as western and eastern healing can crossover at times and is necessary, massage can aid in the hope of decreasing medication and feeling alive again. To be still, to allow touch to help heal the wounds of the mind and the spirit is just as important as any medication, perhaps even more important. Touch therapy for wounded minds and spirit can help reintegrate self and become whole again, one compassionate moment and touch at a time.

In light, peace and hope… we begin

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